In India, more than 4 million people have some form of dementia. Worldwide, at least 44 million people are living with dementia, making the disease a global health crisis that must be addressed. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is life changing for the person with the disease, as well as their family and friends, but information and support are availa...
Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia in India India in its phase of demographic transition and trends reveal a sharp increase in the number of elderly persons and by 2050 elderly people in India would rise to 324 million acquiring the label of an ageing population. (more…)
Diabetes is the biggest epidemic of modern world. India has been greatly hit by this silent epidemic and measures to prevent and treat this conventionally has been resulted utter chaos. Statistics will show this .. (more…)
Modern Life Modern world is very fast and the speed is catching up to the extent that we are entering the nano world with nano speed. This is happening because this is man’s internal speed who seems to be very calm from outside. A man’s machinery can be felt only when you tear the skin. Today our lives are influenced in every way like never be...
"We humans are 3 dimensional beings" The three dimensions of a human being are Mind, Body & Spirit. Imbalance of these three levels of beings are the reasons for modern ill health leading to life style diseases. Modern life is very fast and became very stressful. Stress lead to more severe stress and this become long term and continuous. Long ...